Barrington Edwards
Barrington Edwards has lived and worked in the city of Boston as an artist and community activist for over four decades. He attended Hampton University in Virginia for one year then transferred to the Massachusetts College of Art where he earned both a BFA in Communication Design and a MSAE in Art Education. He has since worked in the worlds of art and design, education and community development. Barrington has worked with organizations in Dorchester and Roxbury for years. Barrington is currently a member of the Visual Arts faculty at the Boston Arts Academy where he teaches visual art. In addition to teaching he has been given the role of supervising practioner for the department's internship program. Barrington is a member of the Boston Comics Roundtable, a co-founder of Comics in Color (a affinity group for nerds of color), active with the Design Studio for Social Intervention and the Black Speculative Arts Movement. He currently works to develop his practice as an art maker and social practice developer in concert with his teaching practice. Current projects include a one hundred and fifty page graphic novel for the Historic New Orleans Collection, productive fiction and performance art with an giant Rastafarian cosmos travelling puppet and writing graphic fiction centered on media sanctioned cannibal culture.